Have you ever heard of dyslexia? In the past it was believed that dyslexia meant mental issues and major disabilities. Now people are beginning to realize that there are good reading intervention programs for kids to help them through the tough stuff of learning how to read. It is a challenge for the teachers as well as the child, but dyslexia can be overcome so that children will never have to worry about being called names again. Are you ready to help your child become a great reader with dyslexia symptoms?
Dyslexia is a problem for kids because it interferes with the way they comprehend the words in front of them. An important part of reading is understanding letters and their respective sounds as well as groups of letters and how they sound together. Dyslexia can make this difficult. Phonics may be the biggest help for dyslexic children because it focuses on grouped letter sounds and recognition of word parts as a whole. It also focuses on the specific meaning of the words that they will see most often when reading something a book.
Research proves that dyslexia happens because of the way that the child's brain develops and functions differently. They have problems identifying certain sounds and the letters that make those sounds. These children desire to learn but simply have a problem understanding the way it all comes together. There is no cure for dyslexia, but it can be changed or improved through good reading intervention programs for kids.
Time and patience are vital for both the child and the teacher. Especially, if you consider that dyslexia is more than reading problems. It can affect their spelling and their speech. For good reading intervention programs for kids to work, the teacher and the child must go back to the basics of reading. This means starting off with letters and their sounds. Then you may move on to groups of letters and sounds. The learning process will be slow and frustrating at times, but it will be worth it for the child when they do start to read and understand the words that they see on a book or in a magazine that they want to read. It will also show in their grades.
Imagine seeing an "M" and thinking it is a "W". That is what a child may deal with when they are dyslexic. However, this is not the only thing that they may have to deal with. Seeing backward or upside down is a single symptom that is possible with dyslexia. It can affect their math skills because mathematical symbols may confuse them. Phonics can help but it will probably need to be an intense reading intervention to get the child to the point that they can read a book and understand all of it completely.
Parents who worry that their child may have dyslexia are encouraged to seek help before their child reaches the fifth grade. Know the signs of dyslexia. They may include, writing backward letters, difficulty sounding things out, and not understanding the words they read. The sooner you have them tested, the sooner your child can get help, and the happier they will be. There are good reading intervention programs for kids and they can help your child learn to read so that they do not have to worry about embarrassment inside their classroom. Wouldn't you rather see your child read a great book instead of feel bad about not reading very well?
In some cases, an older child may need to learn to overcome dyslexia because they were not properly tested as a young child. The same good reading intervention programs may still be able to help the older children, so do not give up hope because of a bad diagnosis. You will start with the same basics as others so that they can also learn how to read and enjoy a good book now that dyslexia has been diagnosed by someone who knew what to look for.
Curling up with a good book and understanding the written word is part of life's little luxuries and, until now, a dyslexic child would miss out on this simple joy. If you are ready to help ensure that your child is a part of one of the good reading intervention programs for kids, they will thank you every time you see them successfully reading a book and comprehending the words that they see on that page. They will find success and delight where there was once embarrassment and difficulty.
Dyslexia is a problem for kids because it interferes with the way they comprehend the words in front of them. An important part of reading is understanding letters and their respective sounds as well as groups of letters and how they sound together. Dyslexia can make this difficult. Phonics may be the biggest help for dyslexic children because it focuses on grouped letter sounds and recognition of word parts as a whole. It also focuses on the specific meaning of the words that they will see most often when reading something a book.
Research proves that dyslexia happens because of the way that the child's brain develops and functions differently. They have problems identifying certain sounds and the letters that make those sounds. These children desire to learn but simply have a problem understanding the way it all comes together. There is no cure for dyslexia, but it can be changed or improved through good reading intervention programs for kids.
Time and patience are vital for both the child and the teacher. Especially, if you consider that dyslexia is more than reading problems. It can affect their spelling and their speech. For good reading intervention programs for kids to work, the teacher and the child must go back to the basics of reading. This means starting off with letters and their sounds. Then you may move on to groups of letters and sounds. The learning process will be slow and frustrating at times, but it will be worth it for the child when they do start to read and understand the words that they see on a book or in a magazine that they want to read. It will also show in their grades.
Imagine seeing an "M" and thinking it is a "W". That is what a child may deal with when they are dyslexic. However, this is not the only thing that they may have to deal with. Seeing backward or upside down is a single symptom that is possible with dyslexia. It can affect their math skills because mathematical symbols may confuse them. Phonics can help but it will probably need to be an intense reading intervention to get the child to the point that they can read a book and understand all of it completely.
Parents who worry that their child may have dyslexia are encouraged to seek help before their child reaches the fifth grade. Know the signs of dyslexia. They may include, writing backward letters, difficulty sounding things out, and not understanding the words they read. The sooner you have them tested, the sooner your child can get help, and the happier they will be. There are good reading intervention programs for kids and they can help your child learn to read so that they do not have to worry about embarrassment inside their classroom. Wouldn't you rather see your child read a great book instead of feel bad about not reading very well?
In some cases, an older child may need to learn to overcome dyslexia because they were not properly tested as a young child. The same good reading intervention programs may still be able to help the older children, so do not give up hope because of a bad diagnosis. You will start with the same basics as others so that they can also learn how to read and enjoy a good book now that dyslexia has been diagnosed by someone who knew what to look for.
Curling up with a good book and understanding the written word is part of life's little luxuries and, until now, a dyslexic child would miss out on this simple joy. If you are ready to help ensure that your child is a part of one of the good reading intervention programs for kids, they will thank you every time you see them successfully reading a book and comprehending the words that they see on that page. They will find success and delight where there was once embarrassment and difficulty.
About the Author:
Everyone who can read should be allowed to do so. Dyslexia makes that hard for many kids to do. Reading intervention programs for kids can help. Visit http://dyslexiakitset.com to learn more.
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