food to avoid when pregnant
Soft cheeses such as feta , Brie , Roquefort , Camembert , blue cheese , veined , and Mexican- style cheeses , which include Kazoo Kazoo Blanco what pregnant women should not eat , or in the open air is not safe to eat during pregnancy because they are made from miniaturized milk food to avoid when pregnant.
Miniaturized milk can carry bacteria such as Lister ( mentioned above ) . If in doubt , check the label on the cheese to make sure it states that it is made from pasteurized milk food to avoid when pregnant .
raw eggs
what pregnant women should not eat Eggs are a source of quality protein . Egg yolks also contain hotline , one of the essential amino acids and is useful for the growth of the brain and neural tube formation in the early stages of pregnancy .
what pregnant women should not eat However , in the form of crude oil that potentially contain salmonella , a pregnant woman is more susceptible to injury food to avoid when pregnant . Ordered scrambled eggs instead of sunny side up or easy during pregnancy . Avoid foods made www raw eggs , such as raw cookie dough or cake batter what pregnant women should not eat .
Raw meat is thoroughly cooked and birds
Can raw meat and poultry is thoroughly cooked contain coli form bacteria , toolbars , and salmonella . Although said to be relatively rare , and this can cause stillbirth or other serious health problems what pregnant women should not eat. Be sure to cook your own poultry meat all the way through the middle and middle - well , so there is no offer of anything pink food to avoid when pregnant. Remember to always wash their hands thoroughly after handling .
Cold meats and sausage sandwich
what pregnant women should not eat Supposedly cold meats and sausages that are not safe to eat during pregnancy because it has been known to be contaminated with Lister , a bacteria found in soil and water flow food to avoid when pregnant .
Lister can cause lusterless illnesses and can cross the placental barrier and can cause miscarriage , premature delivery , infection of the child foods pregnant women should avoid , and the possibility of death in newborns . Lister rarely contract lusterless , but pregnant women are more susceptible to further injury . Even if it was cold meats and sausages cooled properly , unless they are reheated until steaming hot , they are not safe to eat during pregnancy food to avoid when pregnant .
But if you must , you also should wash hands thoroughly after handling . I was safer to avoid them entirely what pregnant women should not eat .
Pat can carry bacteria such as Lister , a bacterium found in soil and water flow food to avoid when pregnant. Lister can cause lusterless illnesses and can cross the placental barrier and can cause miscarriage , premature delivery , infection of the child , and the possibility of death in newborns . Lister rarely contract lusterless , but pregnant women are more susceptible to further injury food to avoid when pregnant.
Raw or seared fish and fish that contain mercury that foods pregnant women should avoid
what pregnant women should not eat Fish that contain high levels of mercury and should be avoided include king mackerel , shark , swordfish , tile fish , and albacore tuna . However , foods pregnant women should avoid canned tuna contains much lower amounts of mercury , but still should be eaten in small portions and moderation - no more than once a week what pregnant women should not eat .
Consumers mercury during pregnancy can have adverse effects on fetal brain development food to avoid when pregnant . It is best to avoid sushi during pregnancy , and more likely to contain bacteria or parasites of fish cooked fish cooked and even sting .
smoked Seafood foods pregnant women should avoid
Smoked seafood , such as smoked salmon , salmon , white fish , tuna , cod and mackerel can be contaminated with wisteria food to avoid when pregnant, a bacteria found in soil and water flow . Lister can cause miserliness illnesses and can cross the placental barrier and can cause miscarriage , premature delivery , infection of the child what pregnant women should not eat , and the possibility of death in newborns .
Lister rarely contract Listerine , but pregnant women are more susceptible to further injury . Types of seafood , often described as smoked salmon , Nova , smoking , kippered , or jerky , only safe to eat during pregnancy as an ingredient in casseroles or cooked food to avoid when pregnant .
game fish
what pregnant women should not eat Catch fish for game fish for sport in local lakes , rivers , streams , such as salmon , trout , bass , pike , bluefish , and walleye . Concern is about water pollution and contamination can fish food to avoid when pregnant. foods pregnant women should avoid Review and local health department or the Environmental Protection Agency to know the water is safe to eat .
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