5 element acupuncture .acupuncture software
In the opposite direction mean . Is the corresponding color is green and passion and anger. Devices connected to the timber are the liver and gallbladder . Those are the types of wood tend to seek challenges, the movement of love and adventure and pressure situations and strive to be the best in everything they decide to do acupuncture software
5 element acupuncture. Include issues that may affect the type of wood and irritability and impulsive behavior or headache, muscle cramps tolerant and high blood pressure . Found a good balance in the ability to remain flexible and moderate levels of intensity.
Fire: The fire element is associated with warmth , prosperity and summer. South in the opposite direction. It is opposite the red and the passion and joy . Devices connected to the fire, including the heart ,
5 element acupuncture pericardium , small intestine and the Triple Burner . Those are the types of fire, as the excitement and drama and are to be intuitive , sympathetic and energetic in spirit. Include issues that may affect the type of disorder fire anxiety, fatigue , insomnia, heart palpitations, and skin rashes acupuncture software
5 element acupuncture Types of fire should try to keep the material and spiritual and emotional resources in the body , while tempering their enthusiasm.
EARTH: earth element is associated with a period of change and balance between chapters. In the opposite direction is balanced center . Is the corresponding color and emotion is orange and yellow , meditation or anxiety. Devices connected acupuncture software
5 element acupuncture to the earth is the spleen and stomach . To find the types of land and the need to participate . They enjoy the opportunity to be in charge behind the scenes , and insist on harmony and accommodation in all aspects of their lives. Types of land may suffer from anxiety or insecurity and tend to be excessive and not easily disappointed when their expectations are not met. It can include physical symptoms , fatigue and digestive disorders and unexplained muscle pain continued acupuncture software
5 element acupuncture Type of land needs time to separate from their relationships and the development of self-reliance .
Minerals: The metal element associated with the onset of the decline and fall . At the bank opposite direction. The color and excitement associated with white metal and sadness. Minerals related hardware are the lungs and large intestine .
5 element acupuncture Types of metal and the principle of respect for the mind and expect others to be disciplined and live by high standards. Include issues that may affect the type of being indifferent and independent metal and very formal and strict. Dry skin , difficulty breathing, and stiffness in the joints and poor circulation often affect the type of metal. Types of metal would do well to incorporate more of the spontaneity and passion and social events in their lives acupuncture software
Water: Water and items related to the convergence and winter. In the opposite direction north . The color and excitement associated with black water and fear. Devices connected to the water are the kidneys and bladder acupuncture software
5 element acupuncture Water type is a puzzle and intelligent , introspective and self-sufficiency . They are interested in knowledge and understanding. One type of water may be suffering from isolation and loneliness as well as chills , back pain , loss of libido, and possibly decreased vision or hearing 5 element acupuncture software
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