is acupuncture safe ?
Acupuncture is very safe when performed by well trained, using standards of professional qualification recognized by the art of clean needle and sterile needles.
Since 1996, the Food and Drugs classified acupuncture needles as medical instruments , and requires the use of only sterile disposable needles and needles. is acupuncture safe Required manufacturers of acupuncture needles to label FDA for single use . Also, you will swab acupuncture acupuncture sites with disinfectant first , so there is little risk of infection. Consider the millions of people treated each year and the number of needles used in acupuncture treatment , is acupuncture safe reported relatively few complications from the use of acupuncture. It is very important to visit a licensed physician , but because the bad technique and sterile needle clean needles can transmit infectious diseases inadequate .
is acupuncture safe ?
Usually they do not. Side effects are rare but possible side effects of acupuncture is a minor irritation or slight bruising at the site of the needle. Acupuncture redirects energy and promotes blood circulation and releases hormones to activate the natural healing. People generally report feeling a deep sense of relaxation is acupuncture safe with treatment. Sometimes , after treatment , a person may feel a little dizzy or tired , or you may feel euphoric or activate with feelings so often happens in a short period of time requires only a bit of comfort .
Safety compared with other treatments is acupuncture safe ?
With respect to the relative safety of acupuncture compared with other treatments, a consensus panel of the research agency of the National Medicine is acupuncture safe - the Nation Institutes of Health ( NIH ) that " the negative side effects of acupuncture said are extremely low and less conventional treatments often " they. :
" The incidence of adverse effects is much lower than that of many drugs or other accepted medical procedures used for the same condition . is acupuncture safe , For example , and musculature disorders , such as fibroblast and myocardial pain , and tennis elbow . .. are conditions that acupuncture acupuncture can be helpful. usually treat these painful conditions, among other things, anti-inflammatory drugs is acupuncture safe (aspirin , ibuprofen, etc. ) or with steroid injections. every medical interventions have the possibility of harmful side effects , but still widely used and considered treatments are unacceptable. "
Acupuncture is very safe when performed by well trained, using standards of professional qualification recognized by the art of clean needle and sterile needles.
Since 1996, the Food and Drugs classified acupuncture needles as medical instruments , and requires the use of only sterile disposable needles and needles. is acupuncture safe Required manufacturers of acupuncture needles to label FDA for single use . Also, you will swab acupuncture acupuncture sites with disinfectant first , so there is little risk of infection. Consider the millions of people treated each year and the number of needles used in acupuncture treatment , is acupuncture safe reported relatively few complications from the use of acupuncture. It is very important to visit a licensed physician , but because the bad technique and sterile needle clean needles can transmit infectious diseases inadequate .
is acupuncture safe ?
Usually they do not. Side effects are rare but possible side effects of acupuncture is a minor irritation or slight bruising at the site of the needle. Acupuncture redirects energy and promotes blood circulation and releases hormones to activate the natural healing. People generally report feeling a deep sense of relaxation is acupuncture safe with treatment. Sometimes , after treatment , a person may feel a little dizzy or tired , or you may feel euphoric or activate with feelings so often happens in a short period of time requires only a bit of comfort .
Safety compared with other treatments is acupuncture safe ?
With respect to the relative safety of acupuncture compared with other treatments, a consensus panel of the research agency of the National Medicine is acupuncture safe - the Nation Institutes of Health ( NIH ) that " the negative side effects of acupuncture said are extremely low and less conventional treatments often " they. :
" The incidence of adverse effects is much lower than that of many drugs or other accepted medical procedures used for the same condition . is acupuncture safe , For example , and musculature disorders , such as fibroblast and myocardial pain , and tennis elbow . .. are conditions that acupuncture acupuncture can be helpful. usually treat these painful conditions, among other things, anti-inflammatory drugs is acupuncture safe (aspirin , ibuprofen, etc. ) or with steroid injections. every medical interventions have the possibility of harmful side effects , but still widely used and considered treatments are unacceptable. "
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